Terms & Conditions


    1. Grow Plan means the custom domain option within the MTN WebWiz Website service with an on-line payment option.
    2. Launch Plan means the custom domain option within the MTN WebWiz Website service without an on-line payment option.
    3. Registration Form means a structured form containing required request details and acceptance of the terms and conditions by the Subscriber.
    4. Service means MTN Web-Wiz Solution provided by MTN more particularized in clause 2 of this T&Cs.
    5. Subscriber means client name.
    6. Starter Plan means the share domain option within the MTN WebWiz Website service.
    7. Sell Plan means the custom domain option within the MTN WebWiz Website service with an e-commerce functionality.
    8. T&Cs means terms and conditions.


    1. MTN Web-Wiz is a service that provides a fast and simple way for SMEs to grow their business presence online with customized digital branding solutions. This service comprises of MTN WebWiz Website, MTN WebWiz Business Email and MTN Webwiz Logo Design. Details the various services are as set out below:
      1. MTN WebWiz Website is a service that provides subscribers with a customized multiple-paged modern website. Working in partnership with professional website designers, customers receive hosted websites that are designed and built within 72 hours of request, based on the content you provide. https://mtnwebwiz.com/
      2. MTN WebWiz Business Email provides the gateway to a more professional and efficient way of communicating with a customized domain name. With a reliable and secure email hosting service, customers can manage their inbox from anywhere in the world. https://mtnwebwiz.com/email/
      3. MTN Webwiz Logo Design Service provides the gateway to a brand identity that stands out. This service provides variation of graphics that allow customers to utilize the logos on websites, business cards, and letterheads. https://mtnwebwiz.com/logo/


    This Service shall commence on the date of payment by the Subscriber and subject to the provisions of the T&Cs and shall continue thereafter until terminated by either party.


    Billing for the Service is per annual basis and payment is via momo/debit card.


    The current price lists shall apply. By taking up the service offered, the Subscriber agrees to pay the current prices. MTN reserves the right to revise the tariffs from time to time and such revisions may be advertised or issued on demand. The revised tariffs shall apply from the date it was advertised or notified.


    Either party may terminate this service any time and for whatever cause by giving the other party 30 days’ notice in writing of its intention to do so.


    MTN shall be entitled to procure third parties at any time to meet its contractual obligations.


    MTN shall under no circumstances accept liability for consequential loss, lost profit, and loss of data. Neither shall it accept damage caused by any use of its services which is illegal or in breach of this T&Cs.


    We do not refund service fees, however, where MTN has failed to fulfill its obligations, it may refund such applicable service fee to you.


    1. MTN reserves the right to amend or revise the Terms and Conditions at any time will notify customers once such amendment is done. Any amendment or variation of these terms shall be available to customers.
    2. MTN provides the service on an “as is” and “as available” basis, in the hope that you find it useful. MTN does not warrant that the service will be free of errors, faults or interruptions and we shall not be liable to you in connection with (but not limited to):
      1. any cause beyond our reasonable control;
      2. any failure or delay in the use of or inability to use any component of the service;
      3. any loss, claim or damage including loss or corruption of data howsoever arising.


    MTN shall not be liable if the provision of the service is temporarily interrupted, restricted in whole or in part or it is impossible to access the service as a result of Force Majeure.


    Once created, customers can request a number of revisions to their websites depending on the package they select. Starter and Launch plans of the MTN WebWiz Website option have 1 revision whilst the Grow and Sell plans of the MTN WebWiz website have 2 revisions. These revisions can be used before the hard stop period ends.


    The hard stop period indicates the timeframe within which customers have to request the needed revisions to their website before it is considered complete. After this period, no more revisions will be accepted. The Starter and Launch plans have a hard stop of 5 days from the first iteration whilst the Grow and Sell plans have a hard stop of 7 days from first iteration.


    Once completed, or after the hard stop period, any other changes to be made are considered as website updates. The Launch, Grow and Sell packages have one, two and five hours’ worth of free website updates each year. Do kindly contact us if you require more hours of updates.


    Operational service refers to the ability to send emails without triggering our spam filters or encountering rate limits, while also being able to receive incoming mail. Failure to appropriately configure DNS of a domain name you manage will not be deemed as a disruption to the service’s intended functionality as advertised.


    It is required that you maintain valid SPF and MX records (provided on signup) for any domains you manage yourself that utilize this service. Neglecting this requirement could potentially lead to a discontinuation of service provision to you to uphold high-quality sending standards for our other clients.


    Domains used with our service must be legitimate, under your management, and should not be associated with any spam or scam activities. We reserve the right to make decisions based on information we acquire in determining such activities and to decline, terminate, or temporarily suspend services at our sole discretion.


    Should your email practices consistently damage the reputation of our IP addresses, we reserve the right to terminate your service. This includes repeated failures to secure your accounts through the use of strong passwords, as ensuring password security is within your responsibility.


    Accounts undergo regular backups as a precaution against hardware failures. However, it is important to note that backups are not guaranteed and are provided as a courtesy.

  20. SPAM

    Outgoing spam from our servers is not tolerated. Spam is defined as unsolicited e-mail sent individually, as bulk mail, newsletters, etc. Bulk mail services should be used for newsletter subscription sending and such situations. Violations of this policy will result in service termination.


    Initial concepts for logos shall be provided within 48 hours. A number of revisions can then be made to the logo based on the package selected. Once the number of revisions are met or a period of 7 days have elapsed, the logo (or the first concept if none is selected) will be considered as final with deliverables provided as specified in the selected package.Any additional deliverables specified per package shall be provided within 5 days of the logo’s completion.


    MTN WebWiz does not grant trademarks nor guarantee the ability to trademark logos produced via our service.


    1. The provision of the Service shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of Ghana.
    2. Any dispute arising from the provision of the Service shall be settled amicably by the parties.
    3. Any waiver by any party for any breach or default by the other party shall not be considered as a waiver for subsequent breach or default.
    4. If the Provider’s performance under these Ts & Cs is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the Republic of Ghana’s government. or of any department, agency, commission, court, bureau, corporation, or other instrumentality of any one or more said governments, or of any civil or military authority, or by national emergency, insurrection, riot, war, pandemic/endemic, then the Provider shall be excused from such performance on a day-to-day basis to the extent of such restriction or interference. The Provider shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance.
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