How do I transfer my domain to you?

The process of transferring your domain to us varies based on where you purchased your domain name from. You can always contact their support team for help on how to transfer your domain.

Generally though, here are the requirements:

  • Your domain should have been purchased at least 60 days ago otherwise it cannot be transferred yet.
  • Your domain name should be unlocked, enabling its transfer.
  • Your domain privacy should be paused or turned off in order for the correct WHOIS details of your domain to be read.
  • Your domain name’s EPP code or Authorization code should be generated or acquired.

Once you’ve gone through the above steps and have acquired the necessary EPP or Authorization code, you can email us that code and we will initiate the domain transfer from our end. The email address used to register the domain will be sent a confirmation email as to the transfer of the domain. Once accepted/approved, the domain will be transferred in a matter of days, sometimes hours depending on your registrar.

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